News Blog

In the Spotlight - Year 5 Geography

Posted on: 15th Jan 2024

Geography - North America


How many countries are there in North America? Can you name them? What seas are on North America’s coast lines? These are just some of the questions Year 5 were being asked in geography lessons this week. Starting a new topic is never easy, but learning about new places is always very interesting. The children usually surprise themselves with what they already know from watching things like Newsround. The first lesson was all about looking at where North America is and naming the different countries and where they are in relation to one another. We also looked at the different flags from North America and tried finding out a little about the history behind some of our favourites.


The reason we teach about different countries is in order for the children to learn about different cultures, landscapes, flora and fauna. Many of them take a keen interest and are enthusiastic about doing their own research about places they may have only heard about on the news. Some children like to share their own experiences of a visit to a different country, which in turn can help deepen their understanding.


Miss McMaster

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