News Blog

Year 3-6 Sports Day at Lea Valley Athletic Centre

Posted on: 25th Jun 2024

The annual sports day for Yr 3-6 took place on Thursday 13th June. It was a special day for us, but also a bit sad as it marked our last sports day at WGPS. Nevertheless, we are determined to make the most of the remaining weeks and create lasting memories. We all gathered on the coach and made our way to the Lea Valley Athletic Centre, eager to participate and help our houses win the cup. 

Our day began with a fantastic parade, where each house took a stroll around the track. The house captains led the way, holding up their colourful flags, while our parents filled the air with cheers and applause. Once the parade concluded, we wasted no time and jumped right into our action-packed events, which included the speedy 60m sprint, the impressive javelin throw, the thrilling track relay, and the challenging long and high jumps. There was also a tug of war game and our class, 6C, beat 6B.

After an exhausting day, Mr Southey read out the results; the winners were the Greeks but for Year 6, the Trojans and Greeks tied. Before everyone left, we took a whole upper school photo. Our final sports day was amazing and we all had lots of fun together.


By Year 6 pupils


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