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Book Week by Noah in Year 5
Posted on: 7th Mar 2023
This Book Week, we have been focusing on biographies and autobiographies. A biographer is someone who writes about somebody else's life. An autobiography is a biography written by the actual person. Year 5 did an interview with a family member and wrote a biography about them. All of the classes looked at some examples of biographies and autobiographies and did some activities about them. We also had a book fair where a variety of books and stationary were ready to be bought. There was also a reading competition to see who could read the most in each year group. Altogether the winners had read over 6.000 pages! They had a great time getting lost in a book on a virtual holiday. On Friday the 3rd of February we had to dress up as a character who inspired you or someone from a book. Many of the teachers had some vibrant outfits and so did the children. Everyone worked so hard this book week in everything they did and most importantly we had so much fun.
In our 2023 Book Week we met some truly inspiring authors who shared their backstories and what inspired them to become an author. On Monday the 27th of February we met Stephen Davies, a children’s book author who shared what made him interested in becoming an author. He showed us stores he wrote when he was six and how he practised and became an amazing author. He inspired many people to find any piece of scrap paper and just write a story. No matter how good it is or how neat it is. Just for practice and fun. He used to draw pictures to go with his writing and used to look back at his diary from school and use inspiration from there. He has written a series which he was asked to write by Netflix. He worked with the younger years with a book called “Don’t Spill the Milk”.
On Thursday 2nd February we met Seth Burkett, a former professional footballer who plays futsal and is now an author. He was born in Peterborough and played for Peterborough United in his youth. Peterborough decided Seth was not good enough to be part of the team so they rejected him. He was so disappointed but used the experience and learnt from his mistakes. He then played for another club and he trained harder so the same thing would not happen again. One day an agent came to watch a few of their games and he sent them to play a tournament where they drew with the Brazil under 18 national team. They were so jubilant and flew straight to Brazil. After a few games he was scouted by a Sirocco EC scout. One time he got injured and broke his leg but he used this experience to write a book.
The first book he wrote he sent out to 50 publishers but all 50 rejected him. He tried again and they all rejected him but with some good feedback. The third time he tried, most of the publishers accepted his book. He explained how important it is to learn from your mistakes. He did a workshop with a few of the classes and explained a bit more about his writing career and helped us write a biography about Usain Bolt. He has written 10 books about football and he has ghost-written two books. A ghost-writer is someone who writes under the name of someone else.
By Noah - Year 5