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3D Printing and Design at WGPS
Posted on: 7th Mar 2019
As subject leaders, we are forever being presented with new technologies; it’s sometimes difficult to decide which developments are going to be a success. I was first introduced to 3D printing at BETT 2013, where a host of manufacturers and education technology suppliers were presenting their 3D printers.
At the time, I struggled to comprehend how they could effectively be used in schools (particularly primary level): they were very expensive and complicated. However, the manufacturers have reduced prices and made the technology far easier to use.
At WGPS we purchased our first 3D printer and it has been a unbelievable success. Software like Tinkercad allows children to design models using a vast inbuilt library of shapes, and websites like myminifactory.com and thingiverse.com have models available for download. Year 6 have been designing pencil toppers during lessons and using Tinkercad at home have gone on to design toys, games and other inventions. It’s this engagement and self-motivation to design that is key to success.
We are training more staff in CAD and printing software so other years can draft and print their designs. The technology is exciting in the classroom and supports STEM subjects. Children using 3D design packages in primary schools, have a real head start for their next School and future. The vast majority of our pupils go on to thrive in academically selective senior schools, building on the passions and foundations set at WGPS. For more information, please see www.wgprep.co.uk or contact the Registrar to book a tour of the School.
Mr Easton
Design & Technology Subject Leader